Ljiljana Lili Bomeštar afirmirana je dizajnerica tekstila, podnih i zidnih površina. U svom stvaralaštvu nikada se ne ograničava tematikom ni tehnikama a podjednako je usmjerena ka organskoj i geometrijskoj formi.

Primjenjuje ornament, isprepleten u floralnim formama Art Nouveaua, zatim ga kasnije suptilno apstrahira u razlomljene divizionističke segmente na tragu baroknih interijera (inverzno se osvrčući na povijest ornamenta), da bi preko op-artističkog moiré efekta na koncu zaronila u strogu monokromatsk geometriju minimalizma.

Repetitivnim ponavljanjem motiva stvara ritam i harmoniju delikatnlh proporcija.

Njezin umjetnički rad neraskidivo je povezan s pojmom glazbe, što je evidentno u ritmiziranju elemenata pretočenih na papir, efektu kojeg postiže pri uzastopnom nizanju uzoraka i emociji koju reflektira putem ovog medija.

Repeticija standardnih modula, serijsko ponavljanje identičnih elemenata kao princip kompozicije bez hijerarhije obilježja su njezinih radova geometrijske apstrakcije, poput stvaralaštva skladatelja Stevea Reicha.

Tekstilni dizajn Lili Bomeštar djeluje poput spone izmeu haute couturea i pret-a-portera, kao i hedonizma i nužne utilitarnosti.

Ljiljana Lili Bomeštar is a recognized textile and interior designer. She is never limited by subject matters or techniques. Despite the immense quantity of absorbed impressions, she synthesizes all the elements and puts them into balanced rhythm.

The wide range of of her textile design leaves an impression of abundance of associations, references and, what is crucial in art – her own signature.

Her composed repetition of motifs creates rhythm and harmony.

Artistic process is firmly bonded to the notion of music, necessity to explore and resolve new methods and approach to same subject matter.

Her spontaneous, instinctive creation, whether figurative or not results in a dialogue between assigned format and self-imposed pattern. By analyzing the way the elements fit into the frame, Lili successfully deals with deductive structure (a motif dependent on a matrix, on the outline of shaped or formed image).

The characteristic of her works of geometric abstraction is the repetition of standard modules and a serial repetition of identical elements as a composition principle without any hierarchy, like minimalistic music of the composer Steve Reich.

Her design is like a bond between haute couture and pret-a-porter, as well as a bond between hedonism and necessary utility.

Nevenka Buzov

LiliBodesign produced by Nya Nordiska, Sandberg, Cole and Son.
DEsign published in the book The Fundamentals of Printed Textile Design

Design inspired by nature, art and music.